Sunday, March 27, 2011

Swimming in Ideas

Almost as frustrating as hitting a brick wall during the book-writing process is the pre-writing inability to nail down a concrete idea.  My first novel almost wrote itself... but now that I'm in the pre-stages of starting a new one, I find myself unable to nail down an idea.

This is why I know I'm not "there" yet... not ready to put pen to paper (or in my case, finger to key--thank goodness for technology!).  Because the subject matter of the first book was so touchy-feely, drenched with emotion and sprinkled with humor and what-not, I kind of want to go to something a little less so. People have encouraged me to write what I know... to share my parenting experiences, silliness from my children, etc. and Lord knows I have humor to spare, so... I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely write what you know. I'm doing a sequel and find that my initial idea doesn't have enough ummm...depth? Structure? Je ne sais quoi? But it's slowly coalescing. Every time I hit a dead end, I turn and find a door leading to a new idea....Today I had a brain storm. Unfortunately, not time to write, so I jotted the ideas down and will get to it later.... You are going to do great Kassie (I feel it in my bones!)
