Sunday, April 3, 2011

Idea Overkill?

I don't like it when I have zero ideas drummed up to even *think* about writing... but even worse, I think, is having TOO many ideas.

Currently, I have the quirky children's book idea that I will co-write with my daughter (I guess *I* will be the one writing, & she'll help me with the storyline aspects of it).  I have requests to write accounts of my time with my kids, though I will likely turn it into a fictionalized version of my truth... which will be full of humor, love, loss, grief, and triumph, no doubt... and then another idea about another dream I had, full of the paranormal.

I sit back and re-read the above paragraph and say to myself, "Geez, Kass, those are really different ideas. Pick a genre already!"

The truth is, no matter what I write, I have to feel passionate about it.  "Another Eternity," while conceived within a dream, turned into an outpouring of emotion that I had bottled up in me... a plethora of "what-ifs" within my own relationship were exorcised from my soul as I wrote each word of it.  I purged a great deal of things while writing it, and it changed my life profoundly.  I want to feel that way with EACH project I undertake, and am hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, I can accomplish that goal.

Now, I prepare my heart for the journey... knowing that the best stories are those that are deeply-felt and greatly-admired... by the author first.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Poet in Me

Poetry is one of the things that I've always had a great love for... not only reading it, but writing it to let the demons out of my soul... there are two poems that I feel like sharing today... they were both written in April (one in April 2001, the other in April 2006)... both are intensely personal.  I hope you enjoy.

Blue (Written by Kassie Ritchie Bennett, April 13, 2006, after the loss of her baby Chance the previous day)

I am blue.
I hate blue.
It rips my heart out--injures my soul...
Reminds of things that are beyond my control.
It makes my head spin, my heart race, my hands shake...
It throbs in my veins and makes my heart ache.

I am blue.
I hate blue.
His blanket was blue... pale & stark.
His skin was paper-thin and remarkably unmarked.
The sight of his face made my heart long to cry out...
Made my legs quiver in sorrow... made my faith fill with doubt.

But blue is the color of his daddy's big eyes...
It's the color of rain & God's enormous sky.
That blankie? I hold it & stroke it... it's salve.
I cannot hate blue--it's all that I have.

Being Me (Written by Kassie Ritchie Bennett, April 11, 2001)

Sometimes it's unbearably overwhelming to be me...
Quiet and reserved, yet loud and brash and fun...
Knowledgeable, yet terribly naive...
Soft-hearted, yet calloused...

Sometimes it hurts to be me...
When people trample on me...
Into the dirt...
Thinking to themselves that I will make it out alive...
Fine... intact... when all I wanna do is crumble to the floor.

Sometimes I don't want to be me...
I want to climb into a darkened attic...
Stay there forever...
Locked up and sheltered from the outside world...

Sometimes I love being me...
When I can jump and dance without fear of judgment...
When I can laugh and love who I want, when I want...
When I can sit quietly and watch the world spinning by with such great satisfaction...

Because, after all, the only thing I really know is being me...

The "Prince Charming" Enigma

I've said it before in other places, but my daughter Hannah had a book "published" (I put it in quotations because her Aunt Ashlea sent her a "get published!" kit for Christmas, wherein she drew her own pictures & wrote her own story, sent it in, & it was printed in hardback, & sent back)... it's about fairies (specifically, a Fairy Queen who gets kidnapped by a gang of dragons, who merely wanted her deejaying services.  LOL)... but I digress.

One day recently, after I picked her up from school, she opened her book (which was in her backpack from book report day) & showed me that she'd stuck Disney Princess stickers on the inside & wrote "princesses with their princeses." I started giggling at her misspelling of "princes," but it spurred a conversation about the different princesses & their men.  She said, "Here's Jasmine with Aladdin, Ariel with Eric, Aurora with Phillip, Snow White with Prince Charming, & Cinderella with... OMG.  PRINCE CHARMING!" 

We giggled & began chattering like little hens about the scandal of it all, wondering why on Earth Prince Charming would double-time the poor princesses... & then, it began...

I Googled (or more specifically Wiki-ied) "Prince Charming" to see just how many fairy tales &/or stories he appears in, & since he's quite generic, he appears in several, including but not limited to Cinderella,Snow WhiteSleeping BeautyThe Picture of Dorian GrayShrek movies, etc.  Since she's mostly just familiar with those first three (with the exception of Shrek, but we all know what a jerk THAT Charming is), we started compiling a "what-if" scenario... 

Here's what we determined.  Prince Charming isn't 1 prince, but 3 separate princes.  They're brothers, of course, but their parents gave them horrendously embarrassing first names (e.g. Eggbert, Percival, Myron, Virgil, Otis, Horace, Rufus, Rupert, etc.).  While the princes were exceedingly handsome &, for the lack of a better term, CHARMING, the local girls were awfully giggly about their given names & the boys decide to leave home in search of love, each going in a separate direction as individual "Prince Charmings."

Charming # 1 meets Cinderella at a local dance... Charming # 2 meets Snow White in the dwarves' woods... Charming # 3 meets Aurora near her sleeping chamber or whatever... little do the princes know, they've circled around & wound up in very close proximity to one another... and the girls, who don't know each other but, say, have the same hairdresser (LOL--Hannah's suggestion), start gushing about their love interests... and go bat-crazy when they discover they are ALL dating "Prince Charming." The girls decide to set "Prince Charming" up for failure, only to discover through hilarity & hijinks that the joke's on them.  We might even complicate matters by making the princes identical triplets... :)

We had the BEST time coming up with the plot, & Hannah said, "Mommy, we've GOT to write that!!!" SO... I think we will!!!!  :D

But if any of you freaks steal our ideas before we get a chance to get that down on paper, a plague on your house... ;)

Copyright (C) 2011, Kassie Bennett.  Ha.  One can't be too careful. ;)

'Til next time, friends!